The 8D report is an effective and efficient tool for improving production quality.
AyMINE System Support
- AyMINE guides you through all the necessary steps
- AyMINE documents everything clearly
- D1: Forming a team to solve the problem, including appointing a coordinator
- D2: Detailed description and analysis of the problem, defining the affected part of the product, collecting data on the problem
- D3: Immediate actions with documentation of scope and results
- D4: Analysis of causes and their description
- D5: Corrective actions, including tests and customer approval
- D6: Implementation of corrective actions and monitoring their effectiveness, setting a deadline for implementation
- D7: Prevention of recurrence of errors
- D8: Final discussion - proving the effectiveness of measures, lifting immediate actions, preventive measures
Project Management complaing a Standard
Development and Management of Requirements
SysML Model of the Product in Enterprise Architect
Task Management and Plan Monitoring
Monitoring Controls, Defects, and Issues
Product Management, Quality Control
Documentation Management and Configuration Control
Project Communication Management
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ISO 26262 / ASPICEQuality Standards Management System
Automotive Services